Window Washing Wealth Testimonials
Open your eyes to the possibilities by reading the testimonials below... Are you ready to take your window cleaning / pressure washing business to another level? To learn things like:
- How to get more leads on a consistent basis
- How to find A-player employees who stay
- How to bring in law and order for traction to grow
- How-To's on Administration: what to really say on the phone for higher conversion, bigger customer tickets, overcoming the price objection, etc.
The Window Washing Wealth Coaching Program

You Cannot Go Wrong
"After purchasing the Window Washing Wealth program. I spent a couple of days digesting all the great information. So much information it was tough to decide where to start. I have gone ahead and put the information into action and could not be happier. Since January of this year, 2018 I have increased our monthly business approximately $2500 a month (in 4 months) in commercial storefronts part time and it will continue to grow. I am more than excited for what lies in store. If you are thinking about the Window Washing Wealth program, you cannot go wrong. There is enough information to help everyone no matter what stage or how long you have been in business. Thanks Jim, I look forward to our continued success." Howard in FL
Random Texts from the Field and Forum:
"19 jobs today for a sales total of $9,494.00! And it's WINTER! $500 average per job just like you taught in bootcamp!"
"Hey, just wanted to let you know that I have sold $2,000 in store fronts this month while at the same time cleaning $3,600 worth of glass."
"6 weeks in the business did $52k in April and $20k in March!"
"5 days by myself I made $5,512. And one job tipped me $200."
More Random Licensee Texts:
"Your Price Positioning Strategy is currently converting 3 with *****, 4 with *****, and 1 with *****. Amazing!" (**** is proprietary.)
"Sitting on 8 reviews so far and just getting started."
"Thanks to Jim's help and systems I just bought my 3rd business in 4 months."
"Walked into a property manager's office at an office park and ran your system. Walked out with a monthly agreement for 5 total office parks. Your system is incredible."
"10 jobs sold today. Total amount of $5,056.00. That's $505 average per job!"
"This week I've sold 1 large commercial job, 1 Residential, Picked up 2 Chick Filets - 4x mo, Another physical therapy place. I'm just following the script."
"My biz is up 35% over last year! I'm looking forward to our Thursday call."
"Your methods are magic when applied diligently and with speed!"
"OK so I got those buildings back with the new property management company so I have $4000 a month and reoccurring commercial work in five months!"
"Got a meeting with a guy this afternoon about buying his small commercial storefront. 40 stores or so. $1k ish a month." (Deal was completed.)
"Neck deep in our first $5,000 day. Leads are rolling in and adding another two crews 2 months ahead of plan. Hiring an admin tomorrow... Your system is crazy effective!"
"The competition is reacting to the WOW system...Credit goes to Mr. DuBois' magnificent system!""Posted a job offer on Indeed. 27 candidates in 8 hours. Not sure of the quality but I'm impressed with the responses. I used Squeegee Pros' template and changed it to my company."
"From zero to just over 230 customers! Now that I've found Jim and his great system, the sky's the limit!"
"...last year 2018 was $625k. I throw these numbers out to say it's likely that working with Jim you guys will all surpass what I did."
"I hired 2 more crews, bought 3 pressure washers, and 2 more trucks today. Sitting on 5 crews!" (all in 3/m)
"Since meeting Jim, we have implemented the PPP at the beginning of April and my guys, who were very nervous about it at first, have never been more motivated. VERY glad we switched over!"
" Your system is amazing and all forms and ads are very impressive. I fully understand the value and time -- as I have attempted it and it's extremely time consuming. So I greatly appreciate it."
"I tell my wife the three smartest decisions I ever made were marrying her, joining Jim's program and leaving a partnership at XXXXXXX.....in no particular order."
"Huge milestone Friday - did a little over $10,000 in one day! Still booked out two weeks and taking delivery on another vehicle Monday!"
Keys to the Kingdom
After the HUGE Convention and listening to other programs, Jim and Window Washing Wealth was the only choice for me. Jim does not pressure you in any way. He will literally hand you the "keys to the kingdom", and it is on you to take action and build your own empire. The materials, phone calls, mentorship, and guidance received along the way is mind blowing in the most incremental detail possible. Truly impressed. Jeremy, MO
Jim DuBois Seemed Like The Real Deal
I started my first company when I was 28 and have been involved with well over a dozen businesses in the past 25 years. If I could go back in time 25 years with the knowledge I have today I would have told myself to find a mentor/coach immediately if I wanted to short cut my success.
When Tyler made the decision to buy a local company (Wash our Windows Wisconsin, LLC) I started immediately looking for local business coaches to introduce to Tyler so he could start to get a feel for why these folks in his life are important. At that same time, after searching one night for anything and everything window washing on the Internet, I found Jim DuBois (to be honest I found him over, and over, and over) and his Window Washing Wealth program. I then started digging deep to find anything I could about him and his business (the good, the bad and the ugly). What I found over the next few hours of combing websites all over the Internet was that Jim seemed like the real deal.
The next step was calling him in person to talk and ask questions to vet him out before I introduced to my son Tyler. A few days later, Jim and I talked for almost an hour (actually I was sitting at the beach in Mexico on vacation at the time) and we instantly hit it off. We had a lot of common threads in our lives and past business successes and failures (no one always succeeds, if they have never hit a bump in the road or fallen down then I am suspicious).
Next Jim, Tyler and I set up a three-way call the day after I returned home from Mexico and by the end of that call both Tyler and I were excited to jump into a coaching/training relationship with Jim. The final step was to check out some of the current students/clients in the window washing wealth program to ask them about their experiences. We spoke with two, and after both calls knew this was the real deal.
We were ready and now we are jumping on board and next week (Aug 22 Aug 29, 2018) we are driving to Atlanta to attend our first Window Washing Convention and then after that is done heading straight to North Carolina to meet with Jim and his team at their corporate offices for three straight days to get immersed in their training, systems and culture. By the time we get back to Madison, WI Tyler and I will be ready to explode this business." Chris in WI
Worth 10 Times More Than What Jim Is Charging"The Window Washing Wealth program/system is worth 10 times more than what Jim is charging. If you're on the fence about purchasing it, I would do it now before Jim realizes he's not charging enough for it ...lol. The strategies alone that I got from my first phone conversation with Jim will pay for my investment in The Window Washing Wealth program 10 fold. Plus Jim is a really nice guy too! He's someone whom I look forward to working with to help me reach my goals. Wash On Jim! " John in TX
Why Should I Pay a Partner 50%"After years of being in the same environment, I needed a change. After being surrounded by sub-contractors of different trades I could see that the industry was starving for good service and good service contractors. I couldn't help but going back to an idea that I had 15 years ago. Which was window cleaning and power washing. It seemed to be low overhead and high profit. So, I booked a flight for my wife and I to the Huge Convention to go into this industry full force. Knowing at my age, I had to cut the learning curve seeking out the best ideas and systems in the industry. And that is when we met Jim DuBois! I considered having a partner. After talking with Jim about his Window Washing Wealth Licensing program, I decided why should I pay a partner 50% when I can work with Jim for a fraction of that maximizing my profits and growth more quickly. I felt that his Window Washing Wealth system would knock years off the learning curve, and excel us into the industry twice as fast as us trying to learn it by ourselves." Steve in VA
The Plan is Laid Out Great.
"Jim, WOW! I have been going through all the information I received. In your short video once in the portal you say don't be intimidated. I am not intimidated but rather getting confident and psyching myself up knowing I can do this! The plan is laid out great. The resources you give are also appreciated." Bob in WV
I Can No Longer SleepWindow Washing Wealth got my attention because of a well written article in the American Window Cleaner Magazine Titled "Is Your Window Cleaning Company Guilty of These 12 Marketing Mistakes". I was impressed with the knowledge contained within. When I clicked on the Web Site WindowWashingWealth.com, I knew this was something I could model and implement into my company. Why invent the wheel when it has already been invented. So I called the phone number and spoke to Jim. This was when I really got excited. It was very obvious that he knew what he was talking about and had the system in place to get it done. And I must say, that now I actually have some of the documents with detailed action plans and the step by step process to go through, I can no longer sleep. Which is fine by me right now!! I'm very impressed with what you have put together. Extremely detailed step by step process!!" Roger in TX
Seminar You Gave Was Great"I really enjoyed meeting you at this year's IWCA convention, and the seminar you gave was great. I just wanted to say thank you for the articles that you are writing for AWC magazine. I enjoy reading them, and I really appreciate the effort that you are making to help elevate our industry." David in OH
Well Worth It!"I've been in business for over 20 years. I'm a firm believer that you should never stop learning. The material that Mr. DuBois has put together is solid, whether you are just getting into the business or are a seasoned business owner with the bumps and bruises to show for it. My only regret is that I wish I would have picked this up years ago. Ton of step by step instructions on how to build your business. Well worth it!"
Jon in NJ
Most Inspiring Breakout Session"Hi Jim, I want you to know that I found your presentation to be the most inspiring breakout session I saw at this or last year's convention. I am interested in learning more about your systems and would like to know how to implement them in my company to crush it in my market." Jim in GA
Everything Unknown To Me Was Already Written Out And Systemized...
"In the beginning of this summer, 2018, I had joined into a partnership with a family friend in a window washing company. It was exciting to be apart of something new but at the time I was just the worker bee, being paid hourly to wash windows and power wash. It soon got to the point where I didn't want to be just the worker any more, and I wanted a bigger say in what the business was doing. So I worked out a plan to purchase the company from the then owner, who at the time was busy with his full time job and saw that selling it to me would be beneficial for the both of us. Fast forward a month and I was in the thick of it, and had a lot of questions and concerns as far as how to make the business model stronger and ramp up getting jobs. I did some research with my dad who has been a business owner for 20+ years, and we decided to start looking for a mentor who knew the industry and who could help me with the things I needed. We came across Squeegee Pros online, which then led us to the Window Washing Wealth program. It immediately interested us and got us excited about the possibilities of growing a window washing business from almost nothing. The systems that were offered in the program alone were enough for us to seriously consider jumping on board and becoming a licensee with Squeegee Pros. Not to mention the fact that we would have access to a number of people whom we could call or email and get any questions we may have about the business answered. I've always loved the saying, "you don't know what you don't know" which is exactly how I felt and still feel when it came to my business. That is another huge thing that I saw when it came to the program, because everything unknown to me was already written out and systematized, so that all I need to do now is ask a question or look online, and I can have the experience and knowledge of a very successful company at my fingertips instead of just guessing." Tyler in WI

Great Experience
"Just wanted to send an email real quick and let you know that I am having a great experience with all of you. My Coach goes above and beyond to make sure I am successful in every way as well as everyone else at Squeegee Pros!
He hopped on a call with some of his staff to help me out on some outbounding duties and it was very insightful and much appreciated.
Systems are slowly being built into place and although at times it's frustrating, time consuming I know it will be worth it in the end!" Scott in MI
I Very Quickly Grew My Company"When it comes to learning to be extremely successful in the window cleaning business, there is only one person I recommend and that is Jim DuBois. Over the years I have watched him grow not one, but two window cleaning companies from nothing to two very successful operations. In fact, I will get a little personal and tell you that I am in fact Jim's father. When I retired from the Air Force I was looking to start my own business, and using his strategies and know-how, he mentored me in starting my own commercial and residential window cleaning business in a small city in Indiana and I very quickly grew my company from nothing to several hundred accounts in a very short time. Jim's techniques and strategies, plus what I learned from his very effective ways of communicating and talking to new prospects to get new accounts was just plain amazing --- because they work. What I learned from Jim has made it so much easier to build my business ...... If you are thinking about utilizing the concepts in his WWW program **** stop thinking and just DO IT. You won't regret it." Jim in IN
I Would Recommend This Program To Anyone"I watched our company go from 1,500 commercial accounts to now nearing 4,000 due to the knowledge that Window Washing Wealth provides. If you're looking for the key to success you have found it with Window Washing Wealth. I would recommend this program to anyone that wants to have a 6-figure income and a million-dollar company. The windowwashingwealth.com program has changed our life and the way we run our business. We are now a million dollar a year company just on commercial accounts. Thanks Jim." Barry in NC
Jim DuBois Was My First CallEven as an industry veteran when it was time to start up a commercial storefront operation in a new location Jim DuBois was my first call. His insights, strategies, and systems were invaluable to us getting off to a fast start. Jim's strategies are proven and the results for us were excellent. I recommend anyone starting in the commercial storefront space to talk to Jim." Michael in TN
I Can See The Growth In RevenueBeing in business for a few years, you hear all sorts of business growth plans. Do this and double your sales, follow this guide to your million-dollar company, read this book to unlock the secrets of big profits. None of it ever seems to work. With Squeegee Pros licensing program not only do you get all the information, but most importantly a weekly one on one call to keep you on track. The program has a simple to follow, step by step action plan to grow your business. Even after just a few weeks with some minor tweaks and simple implementations, I can see the growth in revenue. I have no doubt I will cut down the growth curve and start living the life I want sooner." Matt in AZ
Shout Out
"Just wanted to give a shout-out to Jim DuBois, Christina, and Brian for creating Window Washing Wealth and inviting us into their business they way they have. I dk if I would have half the policies and systems set up the way I do if it wasn't for them.
I have implemented employee handbooks, drug testing policies, safety manuals and our monthly safety meeting I was able to save somewhere between 8 and 12% on the year for my policy.
I only seem as professional as I do because of what I've learned here." Dylan in FL
I Would Not Hesitate to Recommend Jim and His Programs
"I found Jim DuBois' Window Washing Wealth online in early spring of 2017 when I first launched my window cleaning business. I was looking for knowledge and a mentor to help me understand how to better run, market and grow a successful window cleaning business. I looked at several sites that provided information, books and consulting. Jim's program stood out to me in the sense that he created a million-dollar business from scratch and developed all the systems and training from his experience. His availability for direct consulting either for the Business In A Box or the Licensing Program was a big factor and even an onsite training option as a licensee which no other program offered such a comprehensive package.... The decision was made to go with Jim after attending his speaking seminar at the Huge Convention in New Orleans that summer. We spoke in greater length after the convention and I found he is a genuinely good guy (someone I would enjoy working with), incredibly knowledgeable, great communicator, and totally gets not only the logistics of running a business but the psychological barriers small business owners can face as well.... I first started with his Business In a Box which provided a great roadmap and extensive in-depth information. I evolved to the Licensing Program after a successful season applying Jim's "Box" program as I wanted to accelerate growth and better capitalize on the incredible potential. Jim's program is proving to work and it has given me the confidence and trust that I can really grow this into a million dollar company in the near future with his continued support.... I would not hesitate to recommend Jim and his programs, the value he brings is enormous and I am thankful I crossed paths with him in the early stages of my business!" Gregg in UT
Easy Decision
"I found it to be a relatively easy decision to go with Window Washing Wealth due to the combination of low initial startup and cost and consistent knowledgeable support. The cost of the service is really what caught my eye, but the support system is what caused my confirmation.
With a strong military background, I personally thrive with a structured system, which Window Washing Wealth has. They are taking a lot of the stress away that comes with starting a business from ground zero. Essentially, the business is already there, I am simply going to recreate it with a quality support of a team of professionals that have already done it." David in NH
Best Money I Have Ever Spent
Hi Jim, My name is Kevin in SD. I must say that after reading all the material and starting to implement some of the techniques you recommend, I have been overwhelmed with a new confidence and drive that I have not possessed in the 23 plus years that I have been in this business. Thank you so much for providing this program!! Best money I have ever spent. Kevin in SD
Squeegee Pros Company President:"I have worked for Jim for the past 17 years. He has taught me the ins and outs of the window cleaning business. When I started I knew nothing about window cleaning. I started in commercial and at the time we had about 2,000 accounts. Today we are approaching 4,000. About six years in I started learning residential and the past two years I have learned the in and outs of residential in our area. Jim and our team continues to grow the company to new heights with the newest software and the latest equipment while watching costs and most importantly making a profit. But making a profit is not always on Jim's mind as he always puts his team first. He is a true leader and to me, a professional friend. I have never met anyone with such passion for his company. His is not his job. This is 'his life'. I am honored that he chose me to be part of his team and that he trusts me with 'his life'." Christina Burgin
Holy Toledo Batman!
"Hi Jim. First let me reiterate something I think that was said about you previously..."You are the Man!" I'll be honest, I've searched other people selling window cleaning programs prior to coming across your program. Although I was teetering back and forth on which program to buy I continued to probe all of the program's, soliciting information and marketing strategies designed to convince me to pull the trigger. After careful review, I saw a name from your testimonials that looked familiar to me and I reached out to said person and they spoke highly of you. Thus, I also reached out to a 'whale' that I know about you as a individual and your business. They too spoke highly of you.
So, after you put me in touch with two of your clients and the two people I know confirmed your legitimacy I decided on your program. Hence, I pulled the trigger!
Holy Toledo Batman! This program is like Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroids. Your program is AWWESOOME! In the great words of the Joker...wait'll they get a load of me!" Morris in NY
Wealth of Knowledge
"Hi Jim. I just wanted to let you know I dove in and wanted to say thank you in advance for the wealth of knowledge. I look forward to learning from you and meeting you personally in the future." Lewis in Australia
World Class Service"World Class Service! Jim and his team take their business very seriously while having a great time. My 3 days there at the bootcamp were in the best possible way. I am literally speechless at the amount of solid information they gave to me and my fellow bootcamp attendees. They are instrumental in teaching us how to implement the info into our business. God bless Squeegee Pros!" Chris D.
Precise Game Plan
"Just got done with a bootcamp. It was great meeting Jim and his team. I learned to much to even begin to explain it in this format. First, if you haven't gone to a bootcamp, Go. Second, Jim's systematic approach to teaching all of that information but leaving you with a precise game plan on executing all that information is very impressive. I would and probably will go again. P.S. I'm not drinking coffee for at least a month." Dylan G.
In Such Detail"Window Washing Wealth got my attention because I was looking for something that provided low start up costs and something that seemed attainable. Turns out it's that and so much more. Your patience with me and guidance is great. Your company and program is in such detail, it answers my questions before I knew I needed to ask them. Like you said there's a sea of windows out there that need attention so thereby having sustainability as long as business practices are on par with your instruction manual. You have it all detailed so thoroughly. I like that." Franz G.
1) Determine what's missing, broken, and needed in your business.
2) Determine the results you are after and where you want to of in role and revenue.
3) Discuss what's holding you back, slowing down, getting in the way to get you where you want to go.
To hop on this call, schedule here:
Jim DuBois is the founder of Squeegee Pros, Inc. out of Mooresville, NC. He is the creator of WindowWashingWealth.com, which specializes in aggressive marketing tactics, systems implementation, growth trajectory execution, and the importance of internal company systems - all leading to market domination on auto-pilot. We are changing the way window cleaners do business. Send any questions or comments to jim@squeegeepros.com. Call Jim DuBois at (704) 343-8867 for a free consultation. Office hours are 8am to 5pm EST Mon through Fri.