I'm owner of Squeegee Pros, Inc. and founder of WindowWashingWealth.com. Marketing is not easy, and mistakes are bound to happen. Whether commercial or residential ineffective advertising is one of them.
When it comes to advertising, most window cleaning companies are boring, dull, focused on their company, the number of years they've been in business, where they are located, a nifty logo and/or other things that really don't matter.
Very FEW people respond to this type marketing.
Tip: Ninety-five percent of all the window cleaning ads that I see are all the same. They are simply an expanded business card and focus totally on the company and in no way on the person who is reading the ad. Don't be another statistic.
You have to realize that every decision you and I make is based on emotions and then we justify it with logic, and the same applies for everyone and anyone. It doesn't matter if they're rich or poor, young or old. People are people. Traditional marketing strategies just like the ones that were developed, nearly 100 years ago, still hold true today, because people have, and will continue to respond to self-serving emotional appeals.
Let me explain why...
People only care about one thing: WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME? They don't really care about you, about your company, the type of trucks your company drives, or those beautiful pictures in your ad, or your logo. What really sells prospects on your services are the benefits that you can provide to them. Now I'm not saying that your marketing and your image should not be professional, that's not the point. Your, what I call "outside perception" is critical and will bring an additional element of success to your company. But, here's what you must realize:
People don't really buy window cleaning services. They only want the benefits those services give them. The better you can show customers the advantages that they will see for themselves, the more likely you are to get their business. This is a very important point. And once you realize this point, you are miles ahead of almost everybody else competing for the business.
Here's a quick example to illustrate my point:
Customers don't buy window cleaning. What they buy are crystal clear windows; they want clean and beautiful windows - and they don't really care how you do it. So, if you will give your customers what they want in your advertising, they are much more likely to buy from you. If you go on believing everything you've been fed over the years by advertising reps then you'll never make the kind of income you deserve.
You see, advertising sales people are more interested in getting bigger clients and receiving fatter commission checks, than they are in making your business boom. And unfortunately, and along the same lines, most window cleaning entrepreneurs just follow the pack of what other window cleaning companies have done over the years - refusing or not knowing how to separate themselves from the competition.
Tip: When you follow the leader, the leader ALWAYS wins while the follower 'falls' behind!
In fact, most of them couldn't give you results and proof that their advertising was working if their lives depended on it. So, unless you like wasting huge sums of cash - you need results oriented advertising! Advertising is probably the single, biggest area where most window cleaners will throw away vast sums of money.
Actually, I want to share with you right now a secret that will instantly make you more money, the next time you run any advertising, Facebook ad, or even create a flyer. This tip is something not one window cleaner in a 100 understands about advertising or marketing.
Here's A Big Secret To Making Your Advertising Pay: Every ad must have a powerful headline to succeed to its maximum potential. That headline needs to grab the attention of your ideal prospect and tell them 'Hey-- this is for YOU!' Remember; people don't care about how great you are. All they care about is what's in it for them, what advantage or self-serving benefit can you offer them. You need to telegraph that advantage in the headline or else they will never know.
Here's Another Secret About Headlines: Great headlines do not happen by accident. They only happen because someone uses a powerful system for creating headlines. And the right headline can mean the difference between a few calls from your ad, or a tidal wave of new business. The next time you glance over your competitor's ads, or your ads for that matter, pay careful attention to the headline. You'll see almost every window cleaning company who advertises thinks that their company's name is the biggest benefit or advantage to prospects.
That's nonsense!

If you will just follow this one simple (but profound) tip you'll easily get 2, 3, or even 10 times more prospects responding to your ads. And what's more, your ads cost the same amount no matter how many people respond to it. This makes advertising the ultimate in financial leverage when done correctly. In WindowWashingWealth.com's Coaching program, I talk about how to make your advertising pay to increase your ROI on each marketing plate you have spinning in your arsenal.
In review, we discussed ineffective and effective advertising. You want to stand out so you are the only one they call. Don't follow the pack and make it harder to create sales. Blaze a new trail. Know what to say, how to say it, and how often and I promise your revenue will build.
If you really grasp this information that I've shared with you today, you will be leaps and bounds ahead of your competition. There's no doubt, if you will take control and become your own marketing expert, your business will boom. Until next time...
Whenever you're ready, here are a couple of ways I can help you...
- Join My MILLION DOLLAR Facebook Group for Window Cleaners & Pressure Washers (you must be in the business). Go here: https://www.facebook.com/
groups/milliondollarwashers - Get a "Scale" Strategy Session. If you want some 1 on 1 help, we can jump on the phone for a free call and brainstorm and determine what is missing, broken, and needed in your business and walk you through the strategies to get you pointed in the right direction. Just click here: Calendly.com/Jim DuBois/20-minute
- Get the 250 page crash course > My Book: How To Build A Dream Window Cleaning (Pressure Washing) Business In Record Time. Click HERE for more info.
...and while you're at it:
Jim DuBois is founder of Squeegee Pros, Inc. out of Mooresville, NC. He is the creator of WindowWashingWealth.com, which specializes in aggressive marketing tactics, the importance of internal company systems, and how to dominate your window cleaning marketplace. All things a serial window cleaning entrepreneur should know to build a huge business. Visit the site for a Free marketing report.